Skia project exports but then fails to run saying it can't find stride

I’m using 2022.5.0-361
I’m using the channels feature so cannot use 2021.4


I have a Skia based application that does not use stride.
Application exports ok but on run get this error:

Attempt1 StrideError

dumps of the text of the error, and text of the export log are here:
vvvv export (105.5 KB)

Upon closer investigation my contrib VL.PolyTools has a dependency to stride.
My main doc references VL.PolyTools as a nuget.
However I’m not actually using any node from PolyTools that needs stride.

The core bug is that the dependency to stride being used by the nuget is somehow not being exported.


I made a special version of VL.PolyTools without Stride. This exported ok.

To be honest Stride is a very small part of polytools, only used for showing how you can render a polygon in Stride. When I have time I will try separating that to a different document as it shouldn’t be needed to include a bunch of Stride DLLs with every export that includes PolyTools.

Uhm sorry. The channels feature was sold in the 2022.5 blog post, but indeed we added them for 2021.4.11 as well.

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Ok I went back to 2021.4.11

I’m planning to get rid of this stride dependency but in the meantime I’m still having errors exporting stride. Different error, this one happens at export.

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