Hallo I am trying to displace vertices in both directions of a given axis using a control texture. Using RGB mode I would expect for every vertex a point in the texture to be sampled, obtained its rgb values and these values be used as X Y Z values.
It seems like only the red is used as also was noticed in:
Either a bug or I am not fully understanding what RGB mode is.
S. DisplacementMapping.v4p (21.2 KB)
Yes this indeed works, I have also noticed a couple of error in the same fx coming stock with Instance Noodle, so that must have been the problem.
Now that I got RGB displacement working, although that is not what I needed (axis displace is just fine), at least I ve found out what is my is my issue: understanding how to work with negative valued colours.
Say I have a texture with different shades of grey, where 50% grey represents no displacement, black represents displacement in one direction of the selected axis and white the other direction.
So, all I need is to do is to remap black/white to “negative white/white”, any hint while Windows is updating ?