I try to send some mididata from GlovePIE to MidiYoke to vvvv.
The speechrecognition in GloviePIE works fine. I checked.
But the mididata is not making it to vvvv.
Could it be a problem with Windows7? On XP it worked fine.
Or is the problem, that I use a 64bit of windows7 and midiYoke is a 32bit version?
I use the Speech-recognition from Kalle. Thanks Kalle, so much, helped me a lot, on windowsXP :)
Routing inside midi yoke is in fact if you use midi-ox.
midi yoke is a stand alone virtual port that lets midi port accessible.
as desaxis is suggesting verify you ar on the right port, and remember that in vvvv CH 1 is 0, CH 2 is 1, etc… same thing for pitch.
certain user have had troubles by plaing too much with midi nodes, and set bin size to 0, stoping definitively the node to receive anything. my suggestion would be to recreate a midi node first.