vvvVJ Controller

Hello peeps :D

I really struggled with publishing this here, since there is so much I want to improve or i feel like is not done properly, but i can still do it when it´s up here and maybe this helps someone, so here we goo^^

I tried to clean up the patch a bit, but honestly i´m not sure what the best way is… Since i´m also pretty new to VL and am unsure with a lot of stuff, i´m open for any kind of feedback!

So this is the V.1 of my VJ Tool, which already served me well with a couple of gigs :)
It´s still running on gamma 5.2.

I´m running it on my laptop(intel i7 9750h, Nvidia gtx 1650 Max-Q, 16gb Ram) with ~30fps, so it works for me (i keep the output at fullHD, i don´t think my machine is able to handle 4k^^). I think there is ton of optimization potential, especially with the generative content.

These are just some ideas, what could be improved/developed further:

  • creating an interface for generative content, so one can drop it into a folder and it´s not embedded into the patch
  • drop down´s for picking effects, content… (slider atm.)
  • projection mapping capabilities
  • updating to gamma 6.x
  • sort out useless transitions and effects
  • midi mapping

I invite you to share your ideas, help me with developing this thing or just use it and have fun with it.

Also i want to give credits to @lecloneur for the bestie blend patch.
Some of the content is just copied/modified help patches (creadits to @vvvvGroup, i guess), some is selfmade.

Sooo i guess that´s it for now, enjoy :D

vvvVJ Controller.zip (5.9 MB)

The UI:

Visuals Example:


Congrats. Consider adding a screenshot or two to the post.

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