So I’ve made a patch in vvvv, and now im trying to run it in Chrome by using vvvv.js
I tried it with simple patches, and it worked succesfully. However, when i try doing the same thing with one of my more complex patches I received a bunch of errors in Chrome’s console. Never worked with the console or Javascript before, yet i managed to fix most of the errors except for two of them:
All i can tell about the top one is that I used a couple of HSL / HSV nodes, but idk if that’s relatable. Couldn’t find anything helpful about this error on Google.
Same for the bottom one, which is a strange error that keeps repeating itself infinitely in the console, for like 60 times a second (every frame I guess).
I can tell some of the differences between the simple working patch, and my current not-working patch.
The simple patch was basically just rotating quads (renderer, quad, linearspread and LFO)
The complex patch is an audio-responsive motiongraphic:
It includes nodes from the addonpack like Beatdetector(bass) and Filestream(bass). It also has several subpatches. I’ve put them in the same folder as the main-patch.
Any idea how to fix this, or what could Possibly be the problem here?
I can send the .v4p if necessary.
Thanks by advance