hi, I am using some cams to do Contour blob detection. I thought I could use at the same time the Trautner freeframe plugin to implement a movement checker to use this data to start backgroundsubtraction.
Ok, I can see the Trautner output in the activewindow, but no data coming out? Where’s the problem? no TTY error! sometimes it seams to work for a moment. Any ideas?
How can use the vvvv.image.pack to do something similar?
the Trautners helppatch should show you a working version. if nothing moves in front of the camera, the output is black and you get all 0’s in the changed pixels iobox. move in front of the cam to see the diff in the video and the number of pixels changed.
that should of course not be. can you try without going via CV? just use VideoIn (EX9.Texture) and use two AsVideo (EX9.Texture) to connect to the two Trautners? just an idea…
otherwise recreating the effect in cv.image would probably be the better way to go anyway…
with VideoIn(DShow9) and Videotexture I can connect to a second trautner patch, when duplicating the third everthings stops, deleting the third, duplicate again and it works… weird.
how can I count the changing pixel between to frames with opencv?
quick & dirty solution should be FrameDifference and Average. When I got the time I could count the pixel in framedifference, when I got a lot of time with an masking image. there’s a cv.template, but I couldn’t clone it.