VR support broken from Gamma 5.0-759 and higher

i just tried using VR on my Quest 2 (link mode) in Gamma 5 stable for the first time. unfortunately just loading the help patch results in these exceptions immediately (before even anything can be displayed), so using VR is currently not possible with stable 5.0 and some earlier and later previews.

NullReferenceException: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
        Stride.VirtualReality.OpenXRHmd { public virtual void Update(Stride.Games.GameTime gameTime) { ... } } 
        Stride.Games.GameSystemCollection { public virtual void Update(Stride.Games.GameTime gameTime) { ... } } 
        Stride.Games.GameBase { protected void RawTick(System.TimeSpan elapsedTimePerUpdate, int updateCount, float drawInterpolationFactor, bool drawFrame) { ... } } 
        VL.Stride.Games.VLGame { protected virtual void RawTickProducer() { ... } } 
        Stride.Games.GameBase { public void Tick() { ... } } 
        Stride.Games.GamePlatform { private void Tick() { ... } } 
        VL.Stride.Lib.Initialization+<>c__DisplayClass2_2 { internal void <RegisterServices>b__6(VL.Lib.Animation.FrameFinishedMessage ffm) { ... } } 
        System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo { public void Throw() { ... } } 
        VL.Lang.Platforms.RuntimeHost { private void SharedStep() { ... } } 

i tried to narrow it down to the version where VR support turns bad and found that

  • 5.0-744 preview is the last version working
  • 5.0-759 and later (until the latest 5.1.27 and including stable 5.0) don’t work :(

Thanks for the report. We’ve opened a pull request, once that is merged and a new Stride version is released we can update to that as well.

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please try again with latest 5.1 preview.

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appears to work now in preview 5.1-0052.
thanks for the fix!

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