For sure. Created an issue on github anyway maybe they’ll “fix it”.

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Is it possible this is only GTX compatible? it works super nice on a GTX 1080 but hangs skia on two other machines with RTX 3080 Ti. The skia renderer freezes for several minutes on startup on those machines. When it comes back, object detection is broken anyways.

According to this cuda added support for RTX 30 cards with version 11.1. So I guess you are out of luck. Unfortunately the underlying library seems to be abandoned. I failed to compile a working version myself. It is very finicky since (IIRC) all the dependencies (OpenCVSharp & Darknet) also need to be compiled with support for the same Cuda version.

You could check out the following fork which seems to have added support for at least cuda 11:

It also moved from OpenCvSharp to EmguCV though. Which will most likely make it incompatible with VL.OpenCV which is based on the former.

Or try this lib:

The current version is for Net 5.0 so you’d need to use an older version (11.1.1 I think).

Would like to look into it myself but I am currently busy.

Last but not least: try to get your hands on 20 series cards which are suported by cuda 10, afaik.

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Oh its a pity:( but will check out the options you mentioned, thanks for the info and links!
And also can confirm it works on the 20 series, just tried on a RTX 2060.

I think its not worth trying the YoloCSharp fork when its not compatible with OpenCV.
Also cant find any hint on the CUDA 11 support.

For FastYolo the last non .NET 5 release is 1.0.7
Unfortunately it targets .NETCoreApp 3.1 and only supports CUDA 10.1 :(

Mh ok only was an assumption on my part based on this commit message.

oh missed that. just saw CUDA 10 in the requirements section.