Here is a little 3d library on top of VL.Skia. No shading, no depthbuffer, some clipping issues and featuring the following primitives:
- Points
- Line
- Circle
- Rectangle
- PolyLine
- Box
- Axis
- Grid
- Billboard Text
plus a Camera (Orbit) and Transform nodes to plug below the primitives (VL.Skia style).
Mostly useful for quick debug visualizations, e.g. in combination with VL.Devices.Kinec2 and similar…
Change Log
v2 10 02 20
- fixed camera Y movement
- added billboard text
- coordinate system adaption is now done only once (in camera) instead of for every point
v1 25 01 20
- initial release
via commandline as explained here.
nuget install VL.Skia3d -pre