added operation to download latest SDL mapping file
fixed .Internal nodes being red in newer vvvv versions
-cleanup, comments
may still have issues with reversed axes for some devices
So, does it work for your dusty, old controllers?
Adding new devices or changing the mapping now works by editing the file mappings/sdl_mappings_windows_overwrite.txt
For the GUID you need to include the vendor and product ID of the new device.
Adding new devices should rarely be necessary, so first check if the device is in the list and test how it is working here:
Right now, when plugging in a new device, the device model is guessed by the name that Stride outputs.
The names do not always give enough information to confidently determine the correct device.
For example, the PS5 DualSense appears just as ‘Wireless Controller’,
while the PS4 DualShock is helpfully recognized as ‘PS4 Controller’.
The mappings folder contains the button and axis mappings for currently supported devices:
PS4 DualShock, PS5 Dual Sense, Xbox360, Nintendo JoyCon, and a 100 year old Logitech Dual Action.
Adding new device mappings could be more convenient, for now it works by adding a .txt file and rearranging the entries. Use the Help file to see the direct input values.
Things that could be improved or added:
per controller deadzone
set vibration
PS touchpad position XY
read gyro
2 Joy-Cons can not be recognised as one controller
Joy-Con ThumbStick only recognised as digital (driver related)
Xbox home button missing
battery status
set PS lights
Hope someone will find this useful or wants to help out.
Have fun!
I made a quick fix:
GameControllerProcess is now inside the help patch.
That part could be redone some day, but i hope it at least works for now.
You can pull the repo and try to make a build again or download a build of the help patch here:
Not sure, but it looked like Stride handles Xbox Controllers differently since the last time i opened this.
So i tried to fix that in the mappings/sdl_mappings_windows_overwrite.txt
If you give it another try, let me know if that helped!
Hola reaktant
I have a problem with my “Nintendo Switch Pro Controller” but there was not a Problem with the “Playstation Controller” - could it be that it has to do with the letter “h” because I found in the process “SDL from Device List” Replace “a” and Replace “b” but no Replace “h” and it’s also “float” not “int” -
It’s just a guess, mybe you point it out better or there is also a problem on my side - lot of things going on in “VL.GameController”
thanks for the cool handy contrib
hi It’s a me again
I did a hack and it’s really a hack because I see doubled Buttons but it works here with “Nintendo Switch Controller Pro” and “SteamDeck”
good to know, seems this dpad format has not been taken into account yet.
gpt says:
For a typical hat switch D-pad, there are 9 possible states. These states represent the center position (no input), the four cardinal directions, and the four diagonal directions.
Here is a complete list of all possible states for a hat switch (assuming h0 is the D-pad):
Center: h0.0 — No input
Up: h0.1 — D-pad pressed up
Right: h0.2 — D-pad pressed right
Down: h0.4 — D-pad pressed down
Left: h0.8 — D-pad pressed left
Diagonal Directions:
Up-Right: h0.3 — D-pad pressed both up and right
Down-Right: h0.6 — D-pad pressed both down and right
Down-Left: h0.12 — D-pad pressed both down and left