VL.Audio reading frequencies as notes

Pretty self explanatory, I am able to use filters to get high low and middle pass but I would like more fine tuning to determine what keys the songs are in to have the results reflected as a color filter, if there is any direction going past the standard FFT reactive documentation please let me know

Same question here!

Notes have a known frequency. Therefore, you need to measure the energy in this range. Select the interval of frequencies you want to detect and use the values obtained from the FFT transform in that range. Note that the sequence number of the FFT value may not be linearly related to the frequency you are looking for, so you will need to apply a frequency to FFT value number conversion.

I have given a very cursory description of how to solve such a problem, a more specific solution may or may not be included in the help patches. In any case, this is a fairly typical problem that requires basic rather than advanced Gamma knowledge.

Please include screenshots and patches with your question if you have already tried to solve your problem and were unsuccessful.