VideoIn not working on 2022.5.0-0168

Just sumpled over this by testing Imgui with vvvv version 2022.5.0-0168.
It ist working with latest 2021.4.11 preview:


  • Adding package VL.Video.Mediafoundation
  • Create VideoIn. Skia or Stride.
  • Node throws "Method not found "Error

We don’t support 2022.5 yet. it is expected that many libraries don’t work out of the box with the new .NET6, they all need to go through a test.

There will be an official announcement when ready.

I understand. Just wanted to let you guys know. Where is such information best kept? Forum? github? Element? Or wait until it’s announced?

Best as an issue on the GitHub page of the library… It can then be closed with a commit.

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