TUIODecoder UsingTUIO

Hi all,

I would like to make a patch with TUIODecoder, but it seems there is something broken somewhere :
when I add a TTYrenderer and laod the Using_TUOI patch from the girlPower directory, I get those messages and I do not receive any TUIO events.

00:01:44     : adding C:\vvvv_45beta32.1_x86\girlpower\IO\TUIO\ to VVVV.Hosting.Factories.DotNetPluginFactory
00:01:44     : adding C:\vvvv_45beta32.1_x86\girlpower\IO\TUIO\ to VVVV.Hosting.Factories.CSProjectFactory
00:01:44     : adding C:\vvvv_45beta32.1_x86\girlpower\IO\TUIO\ to VVVV.Hosting.Factories.EditorFactory
00:01:44     : adding C:\vvvv_45beta32.1_x86\girlpower\IO\TUIO\ to VVVV.Hosting.Factories.EffectsFactory
00:01:44     : adding C:\vvvv_45beta32.1_x86\girlpower\IO\TUIO\ to VVVV.Hosting.Factories.PatchFactory
00:01:44     : adding C:\vvvv_45beta32.1_x86\girlpower\IO\TUIO\ to VVVV.Hosting.FreeFrameFactory
00:01:44     : adding C:\vvvv_45beta32.1_x86\girlpower\IO\TUIO\ to VVVV.Hosting.VSTFactory
00:01:44  -  : AsDesktop: 1366 x 768
00:01:44  *  : couldn't connect pins. deleting action.
00:01:44  *  : couldn't connect pins. deleting action.
00:01:44  *  : couldn't connect pins. deleting action.
00:01:44  *  : couldn't connect pins. deleting action.
00:01:44  *  : couldn't connect pins. deleting action.
00:01:44  *  : couldn't connect pins of nodes Text (EX9) and Group (EX9). 
00:01:44  *  : deleting action.
00:01:44 ERR : Corrupt link-message in Patch C:\vvvv_45beta32.1_x86\girlpower\IO\TUIO\Using_TUIO.v4p. srcViewPin or dstViewPin is nil!
00:01:45  -  : C:\vvvv_45beta32.1_x86\lib\assets\geometries\v.x loaded in 0.092 seconds.

I am using vvvv_45beta32.1_x86, I did try with beta32.0 and beta 31.2 too, same problem.

The “could not connect pins” messages could be a warning,
but the “ERR corrupt link-message” looks definitely like an error message
Could someone with experience have a look at the problem, and try to fix this, please ?
thanks in advance.

Hello Seb,

these messages are not bad, as far as I know. I’ve got them as well, and no problem receiving the TUIO data.

I’ve just noticed that if you Alt+rightclick the Text (EX9) node (at the step 9.), thus resetting it, the messages will disappear.

Please check the IP and the Port number of your TUIO sender. It should be identical with those values from the patch. ip: your local ip (check it in the right top corner of the patch), port: 3333 or everything you like.

Hope you will receive the TUIO data after that.
Just tested here.

Please report.

Best wishes,


thanks for your help.
I took the steps you advised:

  • Alt+rightclick the Text (EX9) node (at the step 9.),
    – thus resetting that particular node,
  • then saving CTRL+S
  • and reloading CTRL+R.

The messages disappeared, and finally I could see some V and info flying in the renderer, even with a small TUIO simulator from reacTIVision.

Next thing I’m gonna hit is the TUIOdroid, to get a remote control.

thanks again,