Trautner piano

I’m trying to make a virtual piano that tracks “virtual piano keys” with the Trautner node. I have it set up and almost working but I can’t get it to play the midi note that it should be playing.

I’m using CountIndices node and GetSlice to trigger a midi note. The problem is somewhere in they way they are interacting. Please help! (22.2 kB)

Ok I’ve figured it out. I should not have been the using CountIndices node. Instead I found this great module GetIndex

Why isn’t this an included standard module in VVVV? I was looking forever for this - I just assumed this was going to be a standard node or module :)

looking at the module it appears a bit overloaded.
the same result can be achieved with and = (Value) and Select (Value) only.
just connect the output of = to both input and select of the select node and use the Former Slice output pin

Wow this is so simple! and much easier to understand than the GetIndex module.

I actually was looking at the help file for Select(Value) when I was trying to solve my problem. But I didn’t notice the “Former Slice” output pin. Since there was no example of how to use this output pin in the help patch.

I’ll submit a revised help patch for Select(Value) and maybe do one for Trautner as well.

thanks woei!

new here , was looking for a way to send midi CC from video area
and i found your post
i’ve yet made some test with CamShiftTracker_, contour and colortracker , Trautner seems to be a good way too
have you updae your patch ( this could help me to understand the way…)
do you think trautner is a good way to begin…?



@Nay Seven

Trautner is a good way to begin. for midi tonFilms modules are great. also look at this for midi help.

I suggest you try it first and ask for more specific help when you run into problems.

thanks to answer

in fact I’ve yet succeed to send midi messages to my DAW

the thing i don’t understand is how to send each value (number of changed pixels per (gray scale) area ) to 4 different out.
( i’ve made my own bitmap , and i want each area send different values…)

I’ve tried Stalloning , bounds , but no success

edit = ok i’ve finally succed with stallone module

second question if i can…
how to smooth value ? , is a Gradient bitmap could do the trick…?
what i’m looking for is a small value at the left of an area and higher value at the opposite of this same area , kind of visual midi cursor…

edit = ok ,i confirm gradient seems to work , sorry for disturbing

and sorry if bad English , not my native language…

thanks anyway


Glad you figured it out. I’ve updated the Trautner help file if anyone is interested in learning more. I suggest putting this file into the freeframe folder in vvvv for it to work. Otherwise you will have to load a BMP mask into Trautner yourself.

many thanks !!
this sphere is a really good idea !
really more easy for test !

now many problem to resolve…

1_in real situation , how to freeze a value on last position
( when no more movements )

2_and what about cpu !!!
(example : i’ve succed to send midi CC to a cutoff of a vsti in my daw , only midi pattern + vsti = 16% of cpu
same with VVV launched = ~80% cpu …!!!

is there a way in VVV to analyse cpu for each module or a way to track it…?

thanks again anyway

1_in real situation , how to freeze a value on last position
( when no more movements )

Try the S+H node use a Change node to bang it when there is more movement.

2_and what about cpu !!!
(example : i’ve succed to send midi CC to a cutoff of a vsti in my daw , only midi pattern + vsti = 16% of cpu
same with VVV launched = ~80% cpu …!!!

try the Mainloop node it controls the Framerate of VVVV lower the framrate to lower the load on CPU

Thanks again !
sh and change works fine !
now i’ve to work more on mainloop to find good tune
will try this next week …some days without pc now…
bad days for a geek…ha ha


here a little demo of a " pre alpha " project
using VVV as video midi controller or something like this… ;-)

to do list
multi zone
smooth values and so…