The dead mountains

Hello evvvveryone!
First of all, happy new year to all of you and thanks for an amazing NODE10!

Here’s a video i finished some days ago. it’s called “the dead mountains”.
be sure to watch it at vimeo at night in hd, fullscreen and with good speakers.

here’s the link: and some screenshots are on flickr:


hey… nice video, but first thing i noticed was that the anti aliasing of the renderer was off, i would set it at least to 3, see inspector…

:)… no text …

@tonfilm: i thought the same but then started to see it as an artistic expression, maybe he wants to have it kinda “raw”…

thanks guys for the feedback. i had the same conversation with sunep earlier. ;)
the thing is, i didn’t like the clean look as much as the rough look of the non-aliased edges.

kind regards,

ps: please keep the feedback coming!

liked, a bit short for my taste, ended up waiting for some sort of build-up also. like your work.

^cheers, visualex!


hail sunn

thanks, manuel!