String input error, haarcascade frontal face

hi. I have one more question.

For face tracking,
I was connected to Training File of DetectObject to IOBox(string),
and clicked Input String of IOBox (string),
and loaded “haarcascade_frontalface_default” or “haarcascade_frontalface_alt2”.

Then vvvv was shut down.

so whenever I do that, vvvv is shut down.

would you please let me know how to fix it?

i just tried with b26 and the helppatch of [DetectObject (FreeFrame DShow9]( works without a crash. can you be more detailed?

I had c++ runtime error every time I connected cascade to DetectObject node.
Saying ‘This application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way’

If you have similar issue try downloading earlier version of openCV.
OpenCV 2.3.1 worked just fine for me.