SpeechToText ErrorMesssages

Hey community,
I am using SpeechToText to insert typography in my application. I followed the description of a post by Joreg in the forum using Microsoft Azure. It seems to work perfectly, but I get the following error messages and my document menu is always red. Does anyone know what they mean and how to fix them? Or can I just ignore them since they don’t seem to affect my patch?

hey @BesNor, please do yourself and us a favor and create different topcis unrelated issues.
i’ll answer the first here regarding the error messages you’re showing:

  • “Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech is not compatible…”: i’ve seen this also and believe it is actually a bug on their end that we can ignore.
  • “IOException: The process cannot access the file…”: completely unrelated to the first message. odd, never seen such. do you really get that on every startup? even if you restarted the PC?

re the voice=textsize issue, please start a separate topic.

Sure, will do so, and thanks for your reply.

  • “Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech is not compatible…”: Good to know.

  • “IOException: The process cannot access the file…”: yes, it occurs with every patch, also after restarting my laptop. I deleted some cache a few days ago, maybe it is related because, since then, the black icons of the patches are gone and look like this now: icons
    However, I have already reinstalled vvvv, and nothing changed.