Some time logic delay problem. while, and, "if"

Hi everyone.

I’m a bit stumped here for a robust solution to the following problem:
I have basically an on/off input from three sensors. Now, this gives seven possible combinations (in order to play seven different videos), how can I tell them apart? How do I tell input1 to wait an amount of time to see whether input2 and/or input3 are also on?

^ this is what I have so far, keys 1-3 substituting the sensors for now. Also, as you can see, while a video is playing, no further input should be allowed.

help appreciated!

videoplayerLogic.v4p (21.2 kB)

in other words, what I need is in pseudo-pseudocode (:

WHILE monoflop=TRUE
(forget 1+2)

So is it like this…

  • no input. no video playing.
  • waiting for input
  • input detected
  • wait X seconds for another input
  • now sample and hold all inputs
  • calculate unique index from sampled inputs
  • play video specific to index
  • wait for end of video
  • back to top


i assumed that the sensors act as a toggle, not a bang.

videoplayerLogic2.v4p (30.6 kB)


  • wait X seconds for another input
  • now sample and hold all inputs
  • calculate unique index from sampled inputs

yep. I need a way to do a GetSlice(7) out of 3 inputs.


and that is pretty much it! Well, the sensors (Sharp IRs) are a toggle - presence on/off - but I’ll need a Bang if I don’t want to hand out instructions to the users to keep their body/hands in place for x seconds. But I can go on from here. Thanks!

(and maybe it won’t matter; convoluted, stupid user interaction: Art by Committee)

(I’ll leave this ‘open’ for now, until implementation)

Thanks again, guys!

something like the videoplayer 5000XL - mk IV ?

videoplayer5000XL-mkiv.v4p (22.9 kB)

Hey Sune,
so, Radix (Value), huh? Yep :) That’s even better - makes things much more easy. Implemented a Bang and haven’t found a way yet to break the system. Perfect. Thanks so much!