Some basic IrrKlang help

Hi all,

I’ve been tinkering around a bit with the IrrKlang plugin, trying to get sounds to trigger and have a presence at a certain position. Unfortunately, while I’ve been able to get bits and pieces working, I haven’t been able to achieve what I ultimately need.

Here is what I’m trying to do, in a bit more detail:

I’d like to have a sound which is triggered by a collision between box2d objects, and I’d like the volume of this sound to change based upon the proximity of a user controlled object to the point of collision. So, for example, if there was a collision at “x250,y10” and the user controlled object was at “x100,y10” the sound would be very dim, but if the user controlled object was at “x240,y10”, the sound would play much more loudly.

I’ve got triggering working fine, but no matter how I fiddle with the “position XYZ” and “view XYZ” values, either nothing or very little happens.

Can anyone help me with the basic principles required to make this work?
(There’s a help patch, but it seems to be broken.)

Also, I’m using beta27, and the IrrKlang plugin was built a fair while ago; is there any chance that a bug might be interfering with things running the way they should?

Thanks a lot,


I’m also trying to trigger sounds with collisions using IrrKlang. The problem is that the collision event is often very short, and sometime more than one object collides with each other. The IrrKklang seems to play samples only as long as “play” is active, which results that the samples are cut off after some milliseconds. Did you found a way to let a sound play till it’s end when triggered once?

try MonoFlop (Animation) also make sure you know all nodes listed here: FUN