Snippet: how to cons 2 Buffers in Stride using CopyRegion


As a reference snippet for anyone in need, here is a little patch I made to demonstrate how to concatenate 2 buffers in Stride using CopyRegion, based on the helpful guidance of @tonfilm.

There is also a “Copy (CommandList)” node for a similar task with Textures (but not played with it yet).

Feel free to add to Stride Help patches if you think it is relevant?


ExsS.snippets.FUSE.cons-buffers_20240421.vl (40.8 KB)


Useful reference snippet, Thanks @TremensS for sharing!

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Thanks for documenting!

As for the order, you could compute both buffers and then use only one CustomRenderer region to copy both buffers in the same call.

Thank you @tonfilm for the suggestion of grouping both commands in one call.

For the archive, here is the snippet updated:

ExsS.snippets.FUSE.cons-buffers_20240503.vl (38.9 KB)