The final goal is to synchronise a video-file playback to music played on stage.
For exemple : with a LTC track played by the “Ableton Live” of a musician captured by the audio-in of the VVVV computer.
This works fine on Catalyst mediaserver, but there is no generative capabilities,
and I love VVVV much more ! ;)
One of my idea was to generate a clock on which we can base the FileStream node (instead of system clock)
This would be the less ressource-eater as it would naturally synchronise the video.
I couldn’t found any smpte reader for windows to do a translation into MTC out of VVVV.
I really made a lot of search before asking, but I can’t find any solution.
Joreg, don’t worry, this will be a project of All Access Design, who bought licenses ;)
Any idea ? Even comercial proposition for coding the node…
hi Duck,
if you really don’t have access to a wifi or an ethernet connection between the 2 computers
you can try the old school method but you’ll have to deal with offsets,
pre roll, fps format and conversions…
here is a Smpte to midi converter
for me the best solution would be to send the Ableton clock via OSC (Max for Live)or if you need to sync your video to a specific clip in live
you can observe the “playing_status” and “playing_position” of that clip…
good luck
LTC would be nice, had need of it for a project recently, we ended up sending LTC from vvvv ie playing back an audio file, but big shows often require LTC. there is
@circuitb > I don’t meant a solution based on Live. Musicians can change the software they use. For example, on this project, it’s finally Reason who plays the show instead of Live.
A smpte audio track is universal, you can put it in any software able to play an audio track.
@elliotwoods > Any news from “somebody” who wrote the plugin ?
It’s already the second project I do under “Catalyst media-server” instead of VVVV
because I can’t find a good way to synchronise video file playback to music played on stage.
Nobody had this need in VVVV ?
What were the solutions found ?
But @elliotwoods)) already did it, ((user:DuckEater.
You can download it here:
and it’s working, just check the zip-folder inside LTCNodes, there is all that you’ll need. it took me a while to figure that out. But huge thanks anyway, Elliot! Keep on your good work! I’ll contribute something soon, too :)