damned… papy contest begins !
here is my project file, wich is just a gig for a little play with nice fellows.
nothing than doing trichromy with a video projector , putting a slide on a wall, and doing one or two animation.
but quite interresting to try the following technique:
-using schwartzpeter for its memory, crossfades, chasers, and artnet abilities.
Crossfades are done inside schwartzpeter, to avoid complex patch ( and well, i comitted too much hours to set good memory / crossfades and chasers systems in C, why to recreate everything on multiples patchs ?)
so the dmx is sended in artnet from schwartzpeter and i m intending to use ita as a direct control of vvvv.
-vvvv receives this artnet dmx signal, and certain channels are affected to certain things ( see patch there fore. it has to be unzipped under C:\ ), like if they were moving heads.
there is subpatch named schwz-artnet.
its making 2 output . one direct from artnet, the second with the smoothing effect.
If you have some time, your opinion will be VERY interresting for me ( time to test and perhaps to say to me " he guy thats is not the good way, you owe us a beer !"):
dowlnoad here schwartzpeter.
-unzip it under C/ or anything without any special carcaters in the path ( umlaut, french accents, etc…)
-go inside the folder of schwartzpeter
-edit manually /user/artnet_conf.txt and set it to 2.255.255.
no space no enter after. save it.
-go back to schwartzpeter folder
-launch config_my_dmx_card and set it to artnet and click ok
-launch schwartzpeter 0.7.4
you are now sending data in artnet.
setting a channel:
left click select it, right click unselect it
mouse wheel for quick level or arrows.
or type a level the SLACH on normal keyboard, and on laptop the ! key
all levels modifications will be done on selected channels.
ESCAPE unselect everybody
To record a mem:
type a number you want to record as your memory
the F1
say ok
to affect a time:
on stage the memory with a blue background
on preset with orange background
6 F1 this gives a 6 seconds Fade ( same in same out)
SPACE makes a GO ( and pause when pressed a snd time)
G is a goback
W and X and allows you to navigate in playlist without any crossfading
I think that __I really need your opinion on this way to do.
and inside /doc you will find a complete documentation, bilingual, simple to use ( english part is in blue)
vvvv_projects.zip (2.2 MB)