Serach legacy threads and broken links

the search function of the website does not deliver proper results on some cases.

i searched the term “arcball” and it didnt come up with this thread
which does contain a file called arcball.v4p

this thread leads to a file on the legacy userpage of sven
which does not exist anymore

i probably dont need this stuff anyway but these things can be quite frustrating for a newbie.

add: there are lots of broken/error links in Video Hardware page

Beside what u7angel posted, though this appeared also, I’d want to report again there’s the ))) issue.
It now does not work any longer (if it works, it’s because it’s cached)

so we got to use this syntax: ) ))

in fact in the post above first link ain’t working.

Anyways, if it’s ok, I’ll fix this kind of broken links in the english-wiki, along my translation trip.

@DiMiX, you can fix the broken links yourself, there is an EDIT button on the page

is this one? -> Arcball navigation

Hi u7angel,
the search only indexes the content of the “body” and “title” fields. That’s the way the apache solr search plugin we use works. I don’t see any settings to change this, sorry about that…

The wiki links problem should be solved now.

@DiMiX: It’s up to the community to fix broken links, you should be able to edit the video hardware page and insert updated links if you have some time to do so.