Hi all
How do i connect a sampler state class node like address or a
TEXTURE STATE node like TexCoords to a template or Gouraud shader ?
I seems that i can only connect it to vvvv dxmeshes like quads, but i would like to tune texture coords on my own Xmesh…
Any help welcome,
you have to change the code inside the shader directly:
sampler2D g_samSrcColor = sampler_state
Texture = ;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
MinFilter = Point;
MagFilter = Linear;
MipFilter = Linear;
its the same syntax than the node i think
and for the texturcoord , you have to do it in the vertex shader to …
thanks sanch
nope, i can’t make it workin’
i just would like to scale down the texture and remove the tiling… (with an “address” node)
i’ll look into it deeper, but this code doesn’t create a “sampler state” input pin on the shader…
you never get an input pin for the sampler state, you have to code it.
AddressU = mode
AddressV = mode
look at the node to see the modes …
he franzi…if u get it working, can u put the shader online ?
sometimes, i’m a lil’ bit slow at understanding things, i’m sorry about it
it was “border”
here’s the template shader…
Template UVWborder.zip (1.2 kB)