Resort a spread with coordinates


i have several objects. Each objcet consists of five points.
All the x-corrdinates of all the objects’ points are stored in a spread.

The coordinates in this spread are sorted in the following way:

object 1 point 1
object 2 point 1
object 3 point 1

object 1 point 2
object 2 point 2
object 3 point 2

object 1 point 3
object 2 point 3
object 3 point 3

object 1 point 4
object 2 point 4
object 3 point 4

object 1 point 5
object 2 point 5
object 3 point 5

I want to resort it like this:

object 1 point 1
object 1 point 2
object 1 point 3
object 1 point 4
object 1 point 5

object 2 point 1
object 2 point 2
object 2 point 3
object 2 point 4
object 2 point 5

object 3 point 1
object 3 point 2
object 3 point 3
object 3 point 4
object 3 point 5

I guess i need a resorting-method with BinSize?


SwapDim (Spreads)

Hi tonfilm,

is this really the node i have to use? My example above it not 2 dimensional. Perhaps i did phrase my example unclearly. My spread i 1 dimensional.

SwapDim: »swaps rows with columns of a 2dimensional matrix«


Now, if you look at your example, you have columns and rows.
Not every thing that is 2 dimensional is XY coordinates ;)

You have this:

Point 1 | 1 2 3
Point 2 | 1 2 3
Point 3 | 1 2 3
Point 4 | 1 2 3
Point 5 | 1 2 3

You want this:

Object 1 | 1 2 3 4 5
Object 2 | 1 2 3 4 5
Object 3 | 1 2 3 4 5

You can really do that with a swapdim.

And if you are saying it doens’t work, give us a stripped version of your patch, so we can all help to find a solution. :)

Ok, i got it.


swapdim.gif (1.9 kB)