Problems with fullscreen Mode of the sceneWindow

Hi there,
I have difficulties with the fullscreen of the scenewindow. I have 3x 4k out on my pc. I position the renderer in the middle of those screens with setPosition and 30 sek after start they are set into fullscreen with the setFullscreen (GameWindow) mostly not all of them chose the right screen.
And after it was once in fullscreen and going back to window mode the windows are super big. And when I save the project while fullscreen mode, after reopening the patch I cannot go back into window mode. setFullscreen doesn’t work. Alt Enter doesn’t work.
Any suggestion how to work with this. So if I kill the screnewindow and put a new one at place. it does work again. annoying work around.

I have experienced similar behavior, just with two screens.
if my second screen is set up to the right of the main screen and I place the texturewindow on the right side of the main screen, not on the right hand screen. it goes full screen on the right hand screen.
the two screens does not have the same resolution.

Possibly related: Can not leave fullscreen in a saved application

See also : Cannot leave fullscreen · Issue #102 · vvvv/VL.StandardLibs · GitHub

thank you. it is just very I have to toggle out of fullscreen before saving.