Problems binding DLL wrapper to C# Plugin

I’m trying to write a plugin to control a Lipowsky BabyLIN2 device. For this purpose, the manufacturer provides an unmanaged DLL BabyLIN.dll, as well as a C#/.net wrapper Lipowsky.LIN.Devices.dll. (621.5 KB)

I’ve added the wrapper as a dependency to my project. But when I try to run the plugin in vvvv it throws this:

00:17:25 ERR : Exception occured in TMPluginWrapperNode.Evaluate
00:17:25 ERR : Die DLL "BabyLIN.dll": Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x8007007E) kann nicht geladen werden.

Apparently the wrapper wants to access the original DLL, but can’t find it. I tried copying “BabyLIN.dll” manually in the plugin’s bin folder, but it’s still the same. Any ideas how to get this to work?

the unmanaged .dll needs to be next to the managed .dll. for dynamic plugins this is in bin\Dynamic. and yes, unfortunately you have to copy it there by yourself.

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