Hi everyone, I have a funny behaviour with a switch node in a patch that I don’t quite understand. Hopefully someone has a solution for this.
Please check out the attached patch.
I’m using a Logitech Gamepad and with the left analog controller I’m controlling lot’s of stuff.
I’m using 2 counter nodes to change my mapped values. The problem I have here
is that switch outputs different values on two outputs even so there is only one input. What is even worse is that the switch never outputs the same value on one side even so my gamepad is back to it’s starting position. Therefore I cannot adjust the value for the counter, since it is never the same. If the value passed to the counter is higher than five even so my gamepad is back to it’s original position, I have a problem in my system. The only way for me is to shake the stick a little until the value is smaller than 5 again…(which isn’t really cool)
Would be great if I get this fixed.
Thanks, Jannis
switch.rar (1.9 kB)