Hi guys,
i´m fixing some stuff in the parametric library and i din´t find an elegant solution to solve this problem, until now i was estimating the solution but is not precise enough for big scale.
Basically is how to get the 2 points along the average normal of a set of points,
which result → All angles sume = 360º
i wish i could help, but there are several details i dot understand… what are “the 2 points along the average normal”, where exactly should they be, the start and end point of the line in your patch?
what do you understand as “the average normal of a set of points”? points do not have a normal. surfaces can have a normal and the vector between two points can be interpreted as a normal.
also “which result → All angles sume = 360º” where are the angles that should add up to 360?
@Tonfilm, maybe the naming is not correct, but is easy to understand, first i triangulate using the set point center, then i calculate the normal of all the triangles and then the average of them, the result is this line in the center.
Along this line exist two points which satisfy the relation, the sum of all angles between this estimated center and the initial points is 360 º.
i hope is more clear now.