OSC values receiver

Using OSC Decoder/Encoder to send-receive data, i noticed string-value conversions are reaaaaaally heavy (at least looking at them in the debug mode).
have a look at the attached eaxmple patch. On my machine AsValue (String) takes 3700-4000 (alpha 28.3).
(also AsString (Value) is not really light…)

My question is:
would be possible to have an OSCDecoder/OSCEncoder directly with values as input/output, avoiding in-patch conversions?
Would this improve performances?
Naturally it would work just with values, but from my experience values are the most common data sent over the network.

test OSC.zip (1.5 kB)

ai dottore, sorry for late. please check: new-datatype-raw

there you should get everything you need for speed. let us know how that works for you.