Then, within gamma I’ve activated the dependency, and I’ve got nodes.
However, after hooking up my 1018-2b 8/8/8 It shows up fine in the manufacturers phidget manager, and I can connect to it with beta but when accessing the nodes within gamma it seems like there are tons of parts that you would use to create a patch but that there is still some assembly required.
How do you discern from these node parts what needs to be assembled to create a patch for a particular phidget device?
What would be the next step to making these work?
Or maybe am I too early to the party and need to wait for a gamma specific package?
Thanks for any help or direction towards further info.
Hi, there isn’t a VL.Phidget nuget yet. so what you did install is the official phidget API. with vvvv gamma you should be able to patch any of these examples:
most of the code in the c# examples i saw on that page are console programs, since vvvv gamma runs a main loop for you, you have to be careful to put the code that should be executed only once on create of a process node or surround it with an IF or a cache region.
no not really, not much time, no hardware and also VL still gives me headaches :))
nice coincidence though because next week we will have some phidget stepper motor controllers at the office. will try to have a look at that again.
Tried to open the patch in newest gamma but it wont work :( You could try to rebuild it from the screenshot, just make sure to reference the official nuget.
Poking determined that the patch dependencies want a lib, I guess from from vl+beta days?
@tgd I was wondering if rebuilding would work, I’ll give it a shot. Was eyeballing the 4A VINT STC1003 for an upcoming project, interested to hear your findings.
@MicroNova the VL.CoreLib.VVVV dependency can almost certainly removed. it is only needed when using vl in beta, where it offers some nodes i don’t believe are necessary here.
Must say patching this was very smooth this time. It is basic functionality so far but it works as advertised. Here is the result:
(Note, i just dirty referenced the phidget dll from an other folder on my disk. You might want to install the nuget and reference it properly)
Here’s the Voltage Input version, working also. Tested with a 1018_2b directly connected.
FWIW, if you open ye olde patch in gamma and then copy/paste into a blank patch it auto-magically updated / removed the missing dependency and it started working beautifully. (I don’t know if that is supposed to actually work, but it did for this.)