Hi guys how is it going ¡
I have been reading the pixelshader Tuts and of course I have many doubts and those are my first questions related to the wonderfull world of shader .
just for learning i was messing with the helloworldinpink so i did another technique with the oppsite ,whenever is black get a color , the thing is that i wanted to use them both but i can not when i change the technique also i try to join
if (col.r == 1 && col.g ==1 && col.b == 1)
col = HelloColor;
if (col.r == 0 && col.g ==0 && col.b == 0)
col = inside;
but i could not so i did one technique in a render and the other in dx9 + shader + renderer as you see in the pic
is it posible to join in the same technique ?
Is it posible to use more than one
technique at the same time ?
what is the technique pass pin for ?
No rush
just to keep learnig
thank you ;D
NewbieShade.jpg (50.8 kB)