for the gigs i’m doing, i’m using lots of different patches and i can’t really ask my friend with the music to stop for a minute while i close one patch and open another.
i’ve tried having all patches in the root patch with things like filestream nodes not playing and all flash renderers with a blank flash file loaded, but i’ve found that even that takes up far too much processor power.
is there a more elegant/streamline way of switching between patches quickly?
Read about suppatching.
Make all your Patches intoo subpatces and just make a big switch to make it work.
(io box (node) is the one you use to send out the Flash Renderer info)
hmzz… wanted to make you a quick example, but just noticed the Able/Enable thing doesn’t do anything. (can’t turn the Flash anim off :(
the trick is to feed the first nodes of a patch with an empty spread (means no data) this sitches off all following nodes automatically. note that each first node of a chain have to be switched off this way. ive also switch off disable the renderer too, to gain more performance.
see the attached pach. note that you can organise your different patches in subpatches, each subpatch can be enabled/disabled like my demopatch.
the other way is to load/delete subpatches dynamically with createnode deletenode or the new stepatch node. ive tried with createnode and deletenode, but theyre a bit strange to handle because u have to know the id of the nodes you like to load/delete and this id changes dynamically. another disandvatage is that, when youre loading a bigger patch into memory the allready running patches stop for an instant. so i started to load all patches and switch them on and off with the method described above.
i am on a framework for a vjing multipatchsetup. its not finished yet and uses a lot of different modules and its adapted for use with an novation midicontroller, but it can easily be adpaptet to othher controlpossibilities.
i’ve actually been trying to do something along those lines by having a host patch with all other patches within and switches deciding which patch gets data or not.
it’s just getting increasingly complex!! i’m tearing my hair out here - especially since i’ve somehow, managed to deleted the fucker after a couple of hours work.
but thanks, that was a perfect demonstration. i was just worried that i was over complicating things, but you’ve answered my question - sometimes things are this complex.
i know exactly what you mean. its important to keep everything well structured in subpatches and have well working modules etc otherwise you can be easliy lost when doing bigger projects…
but about the switching off method, dont find it too complex, you just have to feed in the empty spread at the right place…
do you want to use each patch one after another or all at the same time?
yeah, well - who cares about numbers anyway, eh? they’re rubbish, if you ask me.
thanks for the patch, there - very elegant solution. it’ll come in handy, i’ll give it a try but i think my situation is going to be pretty complex whichever way i try it.
i’d send you the patch i had made to show you what i mean but i haven’t yet started to re-build it. :(
this is indeed a ‘cool trick’ and i’ve started gigging and it’s worked really well… untill… i forgot to check the id number of the created node. had to close and re-open vvvv. very embarrassing when an audience is staring at your desktop picture.
Its a little bit triky , the last node that you create in the patch , will be the node with the id 0.
I f you add some other node in your patch the id 0 will be atribute to the last one but only when you will reload the patch. Your problem come from here.
When you work on your patch just before to save and close reload the node to atribute to this one the id 0 , and don´t forget to change nothing after that…
To know the id of a node you can juste move your mouse on it and it´s write in the dialog box
its possible to get the id of a node via the new getpatch -and xml nodes. but you need to enter an uniwue decription to that node in the case that there are more than one of the same nodes…