Menu in code editor

referring to this thread:
i still have to use beta23 to get access 3 leafs menu in code editor.
I can’t do it in beta26 and beta27.
i can’t find anything about in change log

you use a rather old version just because you can access a certain menu there??? there are shortcuts available - u know?

yes, i can access menu in beta23
can you with b27?

codeeditor shortcuts
the list is limited, e.g. there is no SAVE AS command

‘save as…’ works with clonig now. select the node in the node browser while holding CTRL. if you need to save it at another palce on hd you have to copy the files by hand. may be inconvenient some times, but certainly not a reason to stick with b23. especially since b27 is much faster.

o no…i moved completely to b27: very fast and more comfortable.
i was just wondering if i’m along having this workaround with code editor

your not alone :)

i miss “save as” too

me too… no text …