Max Float

I’ve got a rather odd, MAX Float appearing in my patch, i appears in various parts of a spread. Its odd becauase its not always visible, sometimes on the input to a io(value) the output will show a value, the input Max Float, sometimes it will change to display max float when i mouse over. There is a troublesome ord2enum in some of them to (not on shader techniques)
I’ve only noticed it today, so I’m going to keep trying to chase if its something I patched today


Having also some troublke, using the Expr (value) node, once I get a MAX Float, it stays, even when I change the formula back.
Hoovering above the pin still shows the proper answer, only the IOBox conected keeps on showing Max Float.

Its definatly a bug, it works fine for a while and then pops up, and the patch starts to break, I’ve tried tracing it back and cant find a reason for it. Bit frustrating, its a convoluted patch!