Make Exported Application to run always on the main screeen

hello again, just to make my self clear, what I am looking for is basically an option so when I am working on a pc with dual monitor (extremely handy indeed) the exported executable to always run on my main screen.
What happens is that many times I prefer my main monitor to do the patching, and on the second one to have my app’s window. So when I export my app, then by default it always run (as an executable) on my second monitor (and this happens on any machine has more than one monitor).
Of course I can always swap them (and this is what I am doing for now), I just finding it a bit annoying.

PS: I guess that there must be a way/function deriving from Windows.Forms but I didnt dig it yet.

The primary display on windows always has the coordinates [0,0] (and all other displays are relative to that). So you can do somehing like this for example:

If you need more info about your desktop setup you can use AdapterInfo which comes with Stride, be aware though that it doesn’t update if one changes the windows settings during runtine (vvvv or the exported app need to be restarted).

VL.IO.MouseKeyGlobal comes with a ScreenInfo node that can handle setting changes during runtime.

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That would work as expected I guess, is there anything similar to it for skia renderer?
Usually, when I am doing simple stuff I don’t use stride at all. At least not intentionally.

Yes, there is a .Windows package you can add as reference and it will also let you set the window position, I don’t think there is an adapter info. but you can use the stride nodes to find the correct position…

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