I want to recognise basic geometric shapes (triangle, rectangle, pentagon) and their orientation with one lidar. Anyone already done that or any ideas on how to approach this?
I guess optical solutions are out, since one lidar just sees one side of the object.
Getting the closest point the the lidar, computing the vectors to the adjacent points until you find an edge? how about rotation?
great! did not know that existed. much appreciated!
did a quick try with an rotating L shape and looks like it should also be able to detect different rotated states… will try to train with better data and see how accurate this gets.
works pretty sweet in theory, but when I when using DBSCAN to analyze clusters, the points come in a not-to-perfect sequence, and $Q has a trouble recognising my shapes. Will try to build some forms out of fiducal tracker outlines and test if that helps.
Any ideas on how to reorder my DBSCAN cluster points?