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The task is to make a scroll of a landing picture in size 1920 * 19240. Maybe someone implemented this task? I’m trying to put in a QUAD, the picture is not displayed. Can anyone help?
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The task is to make a scroll of a landing picture in size 1920 * 19240. Maybe someone implemented this task? I’m trying to put in a QUAD, the picture is not displayed. Can anyone help?
Hi @sunriseq,
There could be a few possible reasons. one might be that there may be a limit on the size of the texture you can make from an image, probably 4096.
Try dividing you image into separate image images with a max of 4096 and putting those on individual quads.
Also, what hardware are you using? you may be running out of memory just injesting such a large texture. You can use GPU Shark to check what is happening.
dx cannot create a texture higher then 16000 pixels
Is there a remedy that divides one texture into 3 QUAD?
No, but the image could be split prior to loading and loaded onto multiple quads, and you then pan them. I’d try spliting the image in 2 first, and try that, then 3rds etc. The problem is a hardware limitation of graphics cards. An alternative would be to sacrifice some resolution and compress the size to 16000 and try that, depending on your needs that may or may not suffice
Is there any way to insert a picture other than a QUAD?
Hi again @sunriseq,
In short no. In long, yes but… they won’t improve your scenario. The Renderer uses 3D technology called DirectX to display stuff. By stuff I mean 3D objects with textures on them, and a Quad is a simple. highly optimized flat 3D object, despite the fact you may not be seeing it with any perspective.
When you load the image you are essentially projecting it on to a piece of 3D geometry, and there are limits to what DirectX can handle. There are other geometries that you can load a texture on to but the limits of loading an image as a texture remain the same.
I can understand your reluctance to edit the image file into 3 separate images, cos but its what happens with games and other graphic displays too (google maps are made up of tiles, which you may notice when you zoom in quickly.
Another thought crossed my mind. What are you planning to display this image on?
I plan to display it on a 32 "touch screen and this image will need to be scrolled as a landing page.
Hi there, i’m geussing your best bet is to hire someone from the forum to do that for you… Basically all you need a slider, but it’s a not gonna be easy if this is first time you see vvvv… and dx11 texture limit is 16384 pixels, you can just split your file by half, and load one half in one quad second half in second quad…
The fact that I did not know about the limitation of dx11 texture does not mean that I first see vvvv. This means that I did not know about this limitation. And I already know how to solve this problem by dividing the pictures and using the slider. Hoping that there is a simpler solution.
Maybe there are ready-made nodes or patches that divide the picture into parts, so as not to do it manually?
The whole picture would still need to be loaded to do that. I don’t have a picture of that size to try it with but you could try using VL.OpenCV to cut it up.
Another alternative approach would be to try using HTMLTexture, where you load the image to the browser and scroll that. If it works at all, it may not be particularly performant.
What is your concern about doing it manually?
It is necessary to divide about 50 pictures in equal parts so that there are no seams. That is my concern.
if you’re planning to do it with Photoshop you can record an action. Tweak and adjust the first and then you’re safe to do it with the rest.
Regarding my first suggestion of using VL.OpenCV (requires Beta preview or Gamma), the images go into RAM rather than GPU memory, so while hefty, they might load. Then its a matter of using the info of the image to set the crop size and the offsets for each slice of image, and then write the images to disk.
Try getting the setup right with a smaller image first and see if works for your big boys.
Thanks to everyone for the advice. Helped a lot.
You can try this: (562.4 KB)
It uses VLOpenCV
Great option with HTMLTexture. A image of any size opens without problems and it is very convenient to scroll with a slider. And you do not need to make a page on the Internet, just place the file with the HTML code in the right image and make a link to it, in the URL indicate the path to the directory in which the HTML file is located. Special thanks, @Hadasi!
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