Is it possible to use Int2 with GlobalChannels?

There seems to be a bug




Stable 5.2

If you carefully read the message you can see that you are somehow mixing types.
When opening the channel browser: does it say Integer32?


  • Try to edit. the type or
  • If you donā€™t want to use the global channel configuration consider pausing with F6, remove the channels and click Save. Then hit F9

Btw. I am curious. What do you need the global channels for?
I would advise only using them when itā€™s about connecting different instruments, machines, worlds. Donā€™t use them in patches that should be modular/reusable in their nature. Accessing ā€œglobal variablesā€ is like using Spiderweb-Glue. You donā€™t use it to build houses or libraries. Itā€™s high-level stuff for the end-user building projects.

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@gregsn Looks like you are right. Maybe it was created as Integer32 before and thatā€™s one reason why it ended up with this error. Thanks for your help!

Iā€™m making a rich UI application with the ability to edit, save and load ā€œscenesā€. I use global variables to do this, I store the application cells there, to be honest I even store the ā€œopen editorā€, ā€œshow menuā€ variables there. Itā€™s not a library or anything like that, itā€™s a specific application, by programming this application Iā€™m just trying to find out if all the things Iā€™ve wanted to create for a long time are possible.





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