Individual slice manipulation

Hello vvvvolks!

I am stunned each day a little more about your great tool. And I do have some questions. Spreading is nice to create elements multiple times. What I like to do is to manipulate each slice element (size, color…) individually.
In my little patch I used Stallone. Is there a way to get there cheaper?

Drawing a box (wireframe) provides a box and its constructing triangles? Is it possible just to have the outline without the diagonale on each face of the box?

Thx a lot


individual slice manipulation.v4p (28.0 kB)

there seem to be lots of problems in understanding with SPREADS and SLICES.
in former beta.s of vvvv there was a Spreads-Tutorial. i can’t find this anymore.
since then i got several emails of people asking questions about spreads who were ashamed to ask these questions here at the forum.
vvvv-devs: vvvv needs spread-tutorial-patches

yes, there are ways to get there much cheaper. see attached.

that triangulation thing might workwith rendering e.g. a GDItexture onto solid boxes.
but perhaps someone has better ideas…

I put a Spread on you
(to the melody: I put a Spell on you)


individual slicey.v4p (17.3 kB)

That´s superb!

Thanks a lot for putting that spread on me Kalle! It seems quite logical to me right now, but as you said it seems that I have to learn a lot more about spreads and slices. By the way, the link you sent me “vvvv-devs: vvvv needs spread-tutorial-patches” is highlighted red and is not accessable for me.
What can I do?



that was no link but an urgent message to the vvvv-devs…
so there is a new Tutorial Spreads now…
