Improvement of Gige Vimba plugin

Hi all !
I try to work on improvement of this plugin=>
I try to have 16 bits color with a Mako 192 Gige camera.

in sources there are two redundant files (vimbahelper/vimbahelper~ and RingBitmap/RingBitmap~) which creates ambiguity in the compiler… it’s confusing me…
I can’t figure out why 2 almost similar files…? do I have to delete one of them ?
thanks !

Well, does it work as expected if you delete the ~ one? :D

Hello Soriak !
it’s not really working as expected ;)
This is what I have so far:

A white and Black glitch picture !
I suspect the issue is at conversion between ringbitmap and opencv.
I tried to change TColorFormat without any success…
I tried to change to Format24bppRgb pixel format…still no success…
do you have some clues about this ?
My camera has a resolution of 1600x1200.
it may be a resolution issue ?
do you use 64bits version of vvvv ?
I can see in your code int64…
thanks in advance,

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