How to creat a 360° video form VVVV?

Hey guys.
I would like to create a 360° video with VVVV?
I am new to VVVV so I have no idea how this can work?
It would be great if I can get some support from you guys on how to create a 360° video from my file.
Thank you all

You refer to a file. What kind of file?

If i understand you right, the process is similar to creating 360° content with a 3d editor like cinema4d, you capture your scene/ world with a camera rig (multiple views of your scene) and later stitch the imagesequences with the appropriate tool.

keywords to google for are cubemap, dome camera, 360° stitcher, camera rig.

i’m not aware of a out of the box solution in vvvv but one can patch it with a bit of research

There is an old DX9 patch by @tonfilm that could be a starting point: Simulation of 360° Projection

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I have the same question. I am working with Field trip to create an immersive environment. I would like to make a camera path and export the experience as a 360 video to be viewed in Oculus quest for an exhibition.

How to do it ? There is no Video recorded in VVVV which gives a 360 recording option.

Thank you

I work with DX 11 particle packs and have created point clouds based on geometries. The point clouds are animated and I would like to go through these point clouds with a 360° video. Therefore the question how can I create this with VVVV to go through these point clouds

How were you intending to get the video into the Quest? is there a file type with a specific resolution required?

There are nodes available for creating Cube and sphere maps.

There are some nodes for NRT (Non realtime) rendering to disk. You will probably need to save rendered images into a folder and then create a video from video editing software like Da Vinci or After Effects.

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For ray marching is bit of different camera setup not sure you can have out of the box with field trip. Nodes you need:
Render Cubemap

They all included in dx11 just search for sphere, cube, pano

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Hadasi Need a Stereo Mp4 file. I will check out the cube and sphere maps.

Thank you !!

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