HELP Cannot change resolution of Streamed vid

Hey guys

i got a minidv cam via usb connected to my pc i´d like to get pics of 640 480
but it is always 512 256


Why ??
How do I change it ??

Greetings johannes

halo johannes.

have a look at the VideoInputs “Stream Capabilities” output. (beware: this can be a very long string. connect an iobox (string) to view the whole text) even post that string here if you have further problems after you read the rest below!

there your should see the possible formats your camera supports. you can chose one of them and enter them in width and height inputs. dv-cams seem to support only one size though…

then. on the videotexturenode you can choose between PowerOf2 or NonPowerOf2 texture:

  • NonpowerOf2: if that works its fine. (might not work with certain graphic cards) in that case the textures size will be the size entered in VideoInput
  • PowerOf2Stretched: the textures size is the next power of two(for the values entered in VideoInput)

hope that helps

Hey Joreg

happy new year :-)

next problem I would like to “lock” the button for 20 seconds each time it is pressed …

Really dont know how ???

here is what i made but missing kogic seems to be the prob

here… no text …

next prob doing it with the keyboard allows more than one click per sec compared to the mouse button but I dont want to or three documents printed each time someone pushes the button too long

"next problem I would like to “lock” the button for 20 seconds each time it is pressed … "
if i understand correctly MonoFlop (Animation) should be your friend. have a look at its helppatch and make sure you understand the “Retriggerable” pin.

" next prob doing it with the keyboard allows more than one click per sec compared to the mouse button"
here i would recommend a look at TogEdge (Animation).

btw. does the print thing via ShellExecute work?

Yes quite well I “wrote” a small batch *.bat with print C:*.txt

and that is it I tried it a couple of times and it works :-)

Thanx I found them today already but couldnt try them

Hey Joreg

here is the final one runs perfectly I hope that there wont be more surprises

and next week we have to optimize the video patch for the projections that will be fun be prepared :-)

Thanx and sunny greetings from Bolzano
