helo joreg,
Yep i used GML Matlab Camera Calibration Toolbox, it’s completely strange cause in some kind of Internet mailing list it was also about some kind of ASCII file generated in MatLab.
I may be bit unclear cause i’m not really educated in that matter. But who cares about that so i did following:
Opened MATLAB\TOOLBOX\Calib_Results.m found in there:
%-- Focal length:
fc = [ 900.940659622523870 ; 983.306088379418720 ]( 900.940659622523870 ; 983.306088379418720 );
%-- Principal point:
cc = [ 383.489340230308020 ; 267.605870449966740 ]( 383.489340230308020 ; 267.605870449966740 );
%-- Skew coefficient:
alpha_c = 0.000000000000000;
%-- Distortion coefficients:
kc = [ -0.194433920501837 ; 0.377263215996281 ; -0.000950572197367 ;
-0.001328216797006 ; 0.000000000000000 ];
%-- Focal length uncertainty:
fc_error = [ 10.430957289288527 ; 14.269937985482994 ]( 10.430957289288527 ; 14.269937985482994 );
%-- Principal point uncertainty:
cc_error = [ 28.113662523655293 ; 19.119543705188224 ]( 28.113662523655293 ; 19.119543705188224 );
%-- Skew coefficient uncertainty:
alpha_c_error = 0.000000000000000;
%-- Distortion coefficients uncertainty:
kc_error = [ 0.048898132341148 ; 0.303991013717686 ; 0.004210683669601 ; 0.006197581716276 ; 0.000000000000000 ]( 0.048898132341148 ; 0.303991013717686 ; 0.004210683669601 ; 0.006197581716276 ; 0.000000000000000 );
%-- Image size:
nx = 720;
ny = 576;
THEN According to this:
{CODE(ln=>1)}The ASCII-file containing the camera calibration parameters should look as follows:
line1: ARToolKitPlus_CamCal_Rev02
line2: xsize ysize cc_x cc_y fc_x fc_y kc1 kc2 kc3 kc3 kc5 kc6 iter
Made new notepad file looking like this:
720 576 383.489340230308020 267.605870449966740 900.940659622523870 983.306088379418720 -0.194433920501837 0.377263215996281 -0.000950572197367 -0.001328216797006 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000^
And it’s OPENED!
But i can’t figure out where to get the ‘iter’ and the kc1,kc2,kc3,kc3,kc5,kc6 i don’t have kc6 anywhere!
So i replaced it with zeros…
I’m not sure i did all right…
But it’s works ;)