Hacking sex with vvvv

One Sentence: Whats happening in your workshop?
Inspired by Sex Tech Hack http://sexhack.tech/, we’re hosting an open approach to sex and technology, hacking culture, intimacy, and gender roles in this community. Practically, we will teach how to use vvvv and Arduino to custom control vvvvibrators ( :

Detailed description:
After a short introduction on intimacy, companionship, sexuality and the role & possibilities of technology you’ll learn how to custom control a vibrator using Arduino & vvvv. We’ll make sure to explain everything from the bottom up, but if you’ve already got a hang of vvvv, Arduino’s & motors we encourage you to take the time to discuss and explore new possiblities. Imagine hooking a vibrator up to sensors, data sets, twitter, kinects, VR? Or changing their function and appearence! Feel free to bring your own equipment.
Code of Conduct:
While this workshop is focused on sex and sexual behavior, we want everyone to feel comfortable and included: we will not tolerate harassment in any form.

What tags describe your workshop?
Hacking Sexuality

In which of the three categories does your workshop fall: beginner, intermediate, advanced

How long will your workshop be?

Who is the target audience of your workshop?
Anyone interested in thinking about intimacy, companionship and sexuality

What knowledge do you presume your participants have?
None necessary

What will attendees of your workshop learn?
Control a vibrator/vibration motor using Arduino & vvvv

What technical requirements does your workshop have (apart from internet and a projector)?
Arduinos and vibrators/vibration motors for everyone!

Who would be the two hosts?
Sabrina Verhage
Dominik Koller

How would the hosts qualify for the topic?
Sabrina makes interactive things and is co-founder of Creative Coding Amsterdam, hosting meetups and workshops in Amsterdam.

Dominik has been developing for the vvvv Group, tutoring students learning to code and patch and creating interactive things for studios in Berlin and London.


We’ll have two groups, one beginners and one more advanced, one group will make sure to explain everything from bottom up while the other will have more time to explore additional things.

Here are some things we’ll have prepared:

  • Remote control your vibrator (over the network)! You feel like the normal old video ‘chat’ is not enough if you’re separated from your partner? Control your partners sex toy for the ultimate intimate connection! (Take it with a bit of humor, and also note we’re not taking care of data security in this ws)
    Also think zeroMQ publish/subscribe orgies… ;)

  • You want to ‘Fuck the System’? Ride your toy to data from the financial crash '08 like they did: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36j9KGAYMA0&index=10&list=PLDmeXp90KI9leIRVQGsrOZvFXVo28F8wO (we’ll bring the data and show you how to load it into vvvv)

  • You’re really into listening to your favourite tracks while doing it, but you can never align the music’s climax to yours? Make your vibrator rock to the music, learn how to use sound analyis in vvvv.

If you have your own ideas feel free to share here, prepare for or improvise at the workshop!

This workshop and some of those additional ideas are inspired by the Goldsmiths Sex Tech Hack:

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you guys are fucking GENIUSES! love you guys.


@evvvvil I was wondering when we’d hear from you :P


Im already at the front of the class, dildo jousting with Pedro… This is gonna be fun

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Looking forward to this workshop!

Amazing stuff. So much to learn!

that should lift MultiTouch onto a complete new level

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