Hi, just noticed (super late) that the release candidate was up for gamma 4.0! Probably won’t have a chance to really experiment with it until next week, but I’ve already ran into one issue with the videoin/capture with the Video.Mediafoundation patches. When I try to access a few of my cameras I have on hand to test, Lenovo EasyCam integrated into my laptop and a logitech c110, they fail to initialize.
It appears to be an issue with the node not being able to retrieve the “supported formats,” going into the “vidoeIncore” I see it gets stopped with the cache reporting to the “GetSupportedFormats” node. Hovering over it says specified task name is invalid and throws up a bunch of unknowns with the API.
When I go to the OpenCV video capture patch, it can indeed capture output from my cameras but the Supported format pin throws “Error: Your device does not allow listing of supported formats,” though it seems like it just ignores it and operates normally.
I wonder if the video.mediafoundation VideoIn node is just not able to bypass when a camera doesn’t have the correct handshake for reporting compatible video formats?
It’s not a big issue, could always do OpenCV to skia to stride, but thought it was worth reporting.
Related, are there any plans for Gamma to support OBS virtual cams and the PS3 Eye. Both work well in vvvv beta x64 with dx11 nodes, and I believe I have 64-bit drivers for the PS3 Eye (?), but neither camera or virtual camera ports show up in VL Gamma. Thanks again, and I look forward to more testing in the coming weeks!