I’m new to vvvv and I’m testing the filestream nodes, but there seem to be a problem to read other files than .avi
I tested the filestream with .mov, .mkv h264 just .avi h264 works for me.
Filestream2 plays all formats but there is no sound.
I installed a codec pack and after that the windows 8.1 media player plays the different formats.
Also the filtergraph looks ok, but when I load a .mov file with filestream in vvvv, the filtergraph is completely wrong.
At filestream2 the filtergraph is ok, but there is no sound.
What I’m doing wrong?
I thought, filestream plays all the formats which even wmp does.
I post you the screenshots of the filtergraphs and the tty renderer.
I’m very interested on an answer.
Thanks for your help!