the 90 fiducials are hardcoded so the node will need to be rebuilt with the new “treefile” that now specifies 108 fiducials. will try to do that in ~a week.
it would be great if you could work/update the fiducialTracker node in other aspects as well.
The marker tracking in reactivision 1.4 works much better and is more robust than in vvvv.
Martin Kaltenbrunner told me that this is because the vvvv node is based on a very early outdated reactivision code !?
As you had a look at this “old code” recently, it might now be a good moment to do this update … or did you perhaps already do this with the last changes ?
oui, please check attached.
this has been built with martins latest version of libfidtrack. from his changelog i don’t see any tracking improvements there, but you’ll be the judge of that. so please give it a run, as i don’t have any fidus around…
cross-checked some simple fiducialtracking between “original beta23” and alpha28 with the .dll from the post above ( by joreg 19/04/2012 - 14:23)
the new version seems to be much more performant.
running with a uEye-cam in 1280x1024 with more than 30 fps the render object almost sticks to the marker.
good to hear it works better. now part of alpha28.
the tree-file could definitely be changed to be loaded dynamically. for me it is not a high priority atm but sources are there, should be quite easy for someone a bit into c++. would be glad to incorporate such a fix.