Hi people,
Is there a way to “clean” a FFT 4 Channel output? I mean, the output signals always flicker even when the sound seems to be constant and I need to use a smooth moving signal without changing the speed of the FFT4 (like using a Damper or ting like that).
Yo West!
A Damper?.. mh, so I have to try harder! I’m really jealous of nice smooth animations used by tonfilm or sanch but I feel like I just can’t get the same result! maybe it depends on the input too (CD or live feed from a board)…
connect the BeatDetector to the AsSpread output of the FFT4Channels, use the Energy output of the BeatDetector for your visuals, that should be a smooth signal.
I’m gona ask a newbie question: the outputs of beatdetector have 4 slices. How to access to each one? I would like to use each energy signal separatly (bass, midbass, etc…).