hey, just beginning a little exercise and… every thing in the title… ( bug on 23 and 25.1 )
Orientation.v4p (12.9 kB)
hey, just beginning a little exercise and… every thing in the title… ( bug on 23 and 25.1 )
Orientation.v4p (12.9 kB)
seems to me output is MaxFloat if X=Xc and Y=Yc as it happens in your patch when you release the mouse… so i’d argue this is correct behaviour in the given patch.
ok I was waiting for a value, as a S+H is feeding values, or a NIL.
if this is normal for you nevermind, just strange, i was effrayed to encounter once again the EnumBug ;-)
it is not me in this case, but math. there is no angle defined between two points that have the same X and Y. see?
definitively not … ;-) nevermind.